GTC - Products

General terms and conditions

Status: 01 April 2023

By purchasing digital products (such as flipchart templates, icon sets or tutorials) on this website, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions (T&C).

§ 1 Validity


These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to the purchase of digital products from Mag. Lana Lauren (hereinafter referred to as Seller), even if they are not expressly referred to. They are an integral part of the purchase.


Digital products are downloads (such as flipchart templates, icon sets or tutorials) offered on the website (as well as the associated subdomains).


Acquisition includes both paid downloads (purchases) and free downloads (such as gifts for newsletter sign-ups, feeebies, or free special promotions).


By downloading the digital products, the buyer agrees to the terms and conditions.

§ 2 Download


The digital products are made available for download after purchase (payment via online store).


If you have problems with downloading the files, please contact

§ 3 Authorship


All digital products on the website (as well as the associated subdomains) are subject to the provisions of Austrian copyright law.


Lana Lauren retains the copyright to all digital products and transfers to the buyer exclusively the specified rights of use. All rights beyond this are reserved by Mag. Lana Lauren.


A reference to the author not obligatory, but highly desirable. Here are a few examples of possible wording:

Hand drawn by Lana Lauren -
Copyright by Lana Lauren (
Created by Lana Lauren

§ 4 Rights of use


The acquired rights of use are non-exclusive and non-transferable.


The use of the purchased digital products is permitted exclusively to the extent of the purchased license.

Individual license

The single license is bound to the buyer.
The use is permitted exclusively to the:the buyer:in.
Sharing a single license is expressly not permitted.

Team license

The team license is tied to a company.
The use is allowed up to 12 persons employed in the same company.
Sharing a team license with persons who are not employed in the same company is expressly not permitted
If a person leaves the company, he or she loses the rights to use the products.

Company license

The company license is bound to a company.
Use is permitted to all persons employed by the company.
Sharing a company license with persons who are not employed in the same company is expressly not permitted
If a person leaves the company, he or she loses the rights to use the products.
Subsidiaries and affiliates are considered their own company and cannot share a license.


The distribution of the purchased digital products or parts thereof as unmodified or only insignificantly modified files to third parties (persons who have not purchased a license themselves and are not part of a team or company with a valid license) is NOT permitted.


Resale of the purchased digital products or parts thereof is NOT permitted.


Examples of use NOT permitted:

Offering the unmodified or only slightly modified files for download on the Internet.
Sending parts of the original files (for example, individual flipchart templates) by e-mail.
The sharing of files that have not changed or have changed only slightly using a digital storage medium.


Examples of permitted uses:

Anton uses the flipchart templates he purchased (personal license) in a workshop and sends a flipchart protocol with photos of the flipcharts to the participants after the seminar.
Barbara uses the (team license) flipchart templates purchased by her department in a digital whiteboard during a webinar. After the webinar, she sends the .pdf version of the digital whiteboard to all participants and posts a photo of the webinar (which includes the templates) on social media.
Christian is using the flipchart templates his company purchased (company license) to pitch to a client, and has also printed out a handout to go with the pitch, showing the flipcharts he is using (with the content).

§ 5 Right of withdrawal


When purchasing digital products in the webshop, customers have a 14-day right of withdrawal. If you are not satisfied with the purchased goods, you can send an e-mail to within 14 days and request a refund.


By repayment, the customer loses all acquired rights of use to the digital products and undertakes to delete all files received (and any copies made thereof).