e-learning for equal treatment

bmkoes | Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport

I am very pleased to have been involved in such an important project as the "Basic course on equal treatment" of the Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport (bmkoes). For this e-learning program, I was able to design the concept as well as the illustrations and graphics for the presentation and two explanatory videos, which convey key topics relating to equal treatment and discrimination in an understandable and clear way.

In the first video, we ask the important question: What kind of society do we want to live in? Discrimination based on age, religion, origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability affects many people and harms society as a whole. The video emphasizes how important respect, dignity and recognition are for good cooperation in the world of work and shows the measurable benefits of equal treatment - from better cooperation to greater satisfaction and health in the workplace.

The second video encourages people to think about roles and identities. Everyone belongs to different groups and takes on different roles in society. While some roles offer advantages that go hand in hand with social norms, others lead to disadvantages. The videos invite people to become aware of their own position in society and to recognize discrimination.

Some of the slides I designed from the e-learning "Basic course on equal treatment" in which the videos are embedded

It was a great experience for me to support this important topic with my creative work and to work in such a great team. A big thank you again to Monika Ritter, Sara Soltani and Flora Alvarado-Dupuy. Implementing a project of this size requires a lot of coordination, quality assurance in terms of content, targeted creativity and time management - you brought all this to the table, as well as a high level of motivation for the topic and a relaxed, cheerful and productive atmosphere at all times. It was a real pleasure to implement this major project with you.

I hope that the visualizations not only reinforce the content and make it more memorable, but also motivate learners to actively and sustainably engage with equal treatment. I am proud to have made a contribution to making this topic accessible and tangible for many people and hope you enjoy the videos.

Icon quote

How lucky we are to have Lana as the graphic designer for our eLearning! She is not only an excellent artist, but also a wonderful person. The collaboration was very pleasant, uncomplicated and inspiring. She was able to convert our input into beautiful graphics without any problems and also enriched us with her own ideas. Her graphics have taken eLearning to a higher level.

Sara Soltani
Consultant at the Competence Center for Diversity, Antiracism and Antidiscrimination
BMKÖS | Federal Minister of Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport

Basic course on equal treatment

Trailer for the e-learning "Basic course on equal treatment"
Video "Equal treatment and identity"

Explanatory video

Further examples


Further examples

Graphic Recording

Further examples