Motivating and inspiring managers

City of Vienna (MA 10)

At this year's MA10 Management Day, around 400 managers came together to reflect, exchange ideas and look to the future. Under the wonderful moderation of Daniela Soykan-Tober, the event offered a wealth of inspiring presentations, discussions and creative moments - and I had the pleasure of visually accompanying the day with graphic recording.

The day began with a get-together over a leisurely breakfast, followed by the opening by Karin Broukal (Head of the Vienna Kindergartens Department) and Deputy Mayor Christoph Wiederkehr. Ali Mahlodji inspired with his keynote in which he gave a lot of food for thought on the topic of leadership and reminded us all that successful relationships and a focus on positive reinforcement are the keys to success. I translated these powerful messages live into pictures and captured the most important points for everyone.

The morning continued with exciting interview sessions in which Karin Broukal and Kurt Burger spoke about the joint leadership mission statement and discussed current topics with the audience. During lunch and coffee breaks, participants had the opportunity to network and review the content using the graphic recording images. The afternoon brought reflections on previous joint successes with Brigitta Schwarz and Karin Broukal as well as humorous accents through the cabaret of Otmar Kastner, who lured out the colorful core of the executives and made the whole room dance.

I am pleased that I was able to creatively summarize the complex topics of the day with my visualizations and make important discussions visible for the participants. It was an inspiring day that focused on collaboration and a shared leadership approach - and I am delighted that I was able to contribute to the success of the event through my work!

Icon quote

Lana Lauren knows how to get to the heart of the matter with her pictures. Her wishes were taken into account and implemented, and she also enriched our event with her professional and friendly demeanor.

The results speak for themselves and are a special reminder of our Leadership Day 2024 - images to evoke "again and again".

Karin Broukal
Head of department
Viennese kindergartens (MA10)

Graphic Recording Summary

Explanatory video

Further examples


Further examples

Graphic Recording

Further examples