Community Nursing in Burgenland

University of Applied Sciences Burgenland

On June 21, 2024, the symposium Community Nursing in Burgenland: Quo vadis? took place. I was there with a pencil and pricked ears and visually recorded the presentations as a graphic recording in real time. The symposium was dedicated to the challenges and opportunities in healthcare and presented community nursing as an innovative solution. Community Nursing brings nurses directly into the communities to provide people with preventative and holistic care. Experience reports from pilot projects were presented at the symposium and the challenges and successes of this new form of care were discussed.

One highlight was the opening prologue "The fall of the old lady" by Prof. Peter J. Mayer, who impressively pointed out the need for better local care provision. Other presentations and practical reports, including from community nurses from the pilot regions, showed how this form of healthcare is already being used successfully in rural regions. The discussion on digital health with Herwig Loidl, who explained the influence of digital technologies on care and showed that digitalization plays an important role in increasing efficiency and improving the quality of care, was also particularly exciting.

The resulting graphic recording images were printed out on site for the participants so that they could take them home as a souvenir in the form of a postcard. A truly inspiring event with many valuable insights for healthcare in Burgenland!

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Lana accompanied our UAS symposium live with graphic recording, combining science with art in real time - an impressive experience. She transformed lectures and discussion panels into expressive images and supplemented them with key messages. Her booklet remains a lasting memory of this special event.

Ute Seper
University lecturer - public health expert & project manager
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland

Graphic recording of the symposium

Explanatory video

Further examples


Further examples

Graphic Recording

Further examples