CRIS 2024: International conference in Vienna

TU Vienna | Vienna University of Technology

From May 15 to 17, 2024, I was able to accompany the 16th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (CRIS 2024) at the Vienna University of Technology with my graphic recording. This important conference, organized by euroCRIS and RIS Synergy, brought together around 200 international experts in the field of research information systems.

CRIS 2024 focused on the latest trends and international collaborations in the CRIS field. The event provided a platform for research managers, IT specialists, librarians and decision-makers to exchange ideas on the further development and application of research information systems. The conference began with a welcome reception at TUtheSky, which gave participants the opportunity to network and gather first impressions. The contributions from RIS Synergy were particularly exciting, as they highlighted various aspects of national and regional research portals and presented the results of their project. Their poster on data flows within RIS Synergy even received the Best Poster Award.

My graphic recording visually captured the key points of the presentations and discussions. The vivid illustrations helped the participants to grasp the really complex and abstract topics as well as the exciting discussions with panelists from many different countries at a glance. It was an exciting and challenging task, but one that more than paid off: it was fascinating to see how the latest developments and ideas in the world of research information systems were presented and discussed.

An exciting and informative week! I am delighted to have been able to contribute to the visual documentation of this important event!

Icon quote

Lana summarized individual presentations at an international conference in graphics. It is simply incredible how Lana knows how to summarize very technical and complex topics in graphics, as well as to get to the heart of the matter and at the same time provide wit and inspiration. It is impressive to follow the development of the graphics in the course of the presentations.

Lana's illustrations, for which we also received consistently enthusiastic feedback from conference participants, were a real enrichment of the conference.

Ulrike Hicker
Project manager
TU Vienna | Vienna University of Technology

How a graphic recording is created:

TU CRIS 2024 - Transforming the Research Landscape
TU CRIS 2024 - Artificial Intelligence
TU CRIS 2024 - Artificial Intelligence
TU CRIS 2024 - Partnerships
TU CRIS 2024 - Partnerships

Graphic recording images

Explanatory video

Further examples


Further examples

Graphic Recording

Further examples