Making tomorrow's technology tangible

bmk | Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

It was a great pleasure to accompany IMAGINE, the flagship event of the Austrian Ministry of Technology (BMK) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), as a graphic recorder again this year. This event is a platform for the most innovative projects and researchers in the field of digital and key technologies in Austria. My graphic recording captured the highlights of the event - from the opening to the exciting keynotes and the new calls on topics such as robotics, artificial intelligence and smart textiles.

A special highlight: this year IMAGINE celebrated its tenth anniversary and I was able to create a video that summarizes the events of the last few years. How good that we were able to use the graphic recording images from the events. It's really impressive to see what has happened. The review of 10 years of IMAGINE made it clear how much progress has been made in this time.

In addition to technological innovations and developments, IMAGINE also focuses on community networking and workshops for students who will form the next generation of our researchers. It was great to be part of this sustainable, forward-looking event, which was organized as a green event.

A big thank you to the IMAGINE team - it's an honor to have been with you for so long. I'm already looking forward to the next few years and many more innovative projects!

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Lana manages to translate complex topics such as artificial intelligence, data ecosystems and quantum computing into vivid illustrations. Her graphic recording enriched IMAGINE24, BMK's central event for digital and key technologies, and brings the key messages of the presentations and workshops to life. For the participants, it is a valuable addition and at the same time a nice memory that will stay with them long after the conference.

Henriette Spyra
Head of Section III "Innovation and Technology"
bmk | Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

Looking back on 10 years of IMAGINE

Graphic recording of IMAGINE 2024

Explanatory video

Further examples


Further examples

Graphic Recording

Further examples